IfE Network Speaks Out for Batwa Women’s Rights at UN

(En français ci-dessous) IfE and 12 Batwa rights organizations in our African Great Lakes regional network co-sponsored a Side Event at the 18th Session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in April of 2019.  Deborah Rogers, President of IfE, and Ange Bella...

Batwa Women Under Assault: IfE Partners to Present Side Event at UN

(En français ci-dessous.) Please join us at the UN Headquarters in New York on Tuesday April 23, Room S-1521 at 1:15 pm (13:15) local time. We will discuss the very difficult situation for women of the Indigenous Twa and Mbuti peoples in the African Great Lakes...

IfE Partners Report on Atrocities Against Batwa

(En français ci-dessous) The Réseau Initiative for Equality (RIFE) of the African Great Lakes region has just released a devastating report documenting massacres and mass rapes committed from 2016 to 2018 against the Indigenous Batwa people in the Province of...

International Batwa Support Committee Convenes

Members of IfE’s International Batwa Support Committee (IBSC) met in mid-March to develop plans for an international campaign to demand an end to the massacres and other atrocities against the Batwa in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and adjacent...

IfE’s Community Empowerment (COMET) Project Under Development

All around the world, IfE’s Field Hearings report to us that poor and marginalized people are disempowered when those with wealth use their political influence to generate more opportunities to enrich themselves, and block access to resources and opportunities by...

IfE Elects New Advisors and Directors

The Initiative for Equality (IfE) Board of Advisors held its annual elections in December of 2018, electing five people to the Board of Directors, and 15 people to the Board of Advisors for 2019.   The Board of Directors now includes: Roberto P. Guimaraes...