Pandemic Response Must Build Equality and Solidarity

Click here to endorse this declaration or to join with others to push for the enactment of these demands, as appropriate in your country. Click here to see the signatories.   The social, economic and health impacts of the current coronavirus pandemic are playing...

IfE Coordinates Network to Prevent Ebola in Marginalized Communities

(English below)   Plus de 40 organisations de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) se sont engagées à sensibiliser le public à la prévention du virus Ebola dans les communautés pauvres ou marginalisées, y compris les communautés Batwa. L’initiative a...

IDP Camp Closures in DRC Risk Further Killings of Batwa People

(En français ci-dessous) Initiative for Equality (IfE) is urgently calling on the agencies of the United Nations, the international community, the national government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the provincial government of Tanganyika Province, DRC,...