Results of Field Hearings
We don’t just tell stories or ask for a list of what has gone wrong – we ask people for their analysis, solutions, and priorities for action. What do they tell us?
(Field Hearings questionnaire in Pakistan)
Most of the communities reported worsening income insecurity, social breakdown, and environmental degradation. While many explanations were offered, there were certain themes that turned up repeatedly: corruption, lack of accountability and transparency, social and economic inequality, competition for scarce resources, growing populations, changing weather, lack of appropriate training and planning, and lack of sufficient trust and unity among community members.
The gap between wealthy and poor was perceived as increasing. People say that wealth is directly associated with access to decision-making and economic resources. Those with wealth and access to decision-making often use it to divert resources to themselves, thereby blocking development for the poor.
All communities expressed extremely modest and sustainable aspirations. They hope for a future in which basic food, housing, healthcare, education, and job security needs can be met.
See short Report Summary: WTBH Executive Summary 2012
See the full Phase One report and photos: Waiting to be Heard June 2012 IfE
See 2013 slideshow on Field Hearings and results: Field Hearings Slide Show 2013
See slideshow on perspectives of community members regarding education, technology & innovation: ROGERS STI Presentation 06 June 2016