IfE calls for a stand-alone goal on inequalities

Citing the demands of poor, socially excluded and marginalized communities expressed during Field Hearings around the world, IfE President Deborah S. Rogers has called for a stand-alone goal on reducing inequalities, to be included in the new Sustainable Development...

Field Hearings Network Expands

The Equity & Sustainability Field Hearings Project now has over 250 partners in 67 countries, ready to bring the voices of more than 500 economically insecure, socially excluded, or marginalized communities into the current sustainable development discussions....

100 Richest Could End Extreme Poverty

According to a press briefing prepared by Oxfam, the 100 richest billionaires in the world added $240 billion to their annual incomes in 2012 – enough to end extreme poverty four times over. The Brookings Institution had earlier calculated that ending extreme poverty...

Is equality a human right?

“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” – 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Without the concept of equality, the human rights framework loses its ethical power. If we truly intend to protect universal human rights, there is no...

Achieving the Equity Treaty Goals

How do we reach the goals expressed in the Equity Treaty negotiated by civil society groups in 2012? IfE is convening a global Equity Action Collaborative  to follow up on the Equity Treaty. The Equity Action Collaborative will develop a strategic action plan for...

Field Hearings Gear Up for Phase Two

The 2012 Equity & Sustainability Field Hearings were conducted with the help of 19 Partner organizations and the participation of over 2500 individuals in 34 communities across Asia, Africa, and Europe. Now the Field Hearings will expand to the Americas and...