Jun 30, 2015 | News
IfE and the U.S. network Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign (PPEHRC), are joining forces to launch a collaboration across the U.S., bringing poor and marginalized communities into the global Field Hearings network and facilitating community discussions...
May 31, 2015 | News
Eight organizations in Honduras have come together to form a national committee of Field Hearings partners to address social exclusion of Afro-Latin communities in Honduras. About 2% of the population of Honduras is Black. The various organizations joining forces to...
Sep 5, 2014 | News
IfE’s Deborah Rogers served as the focal point on inequalities for the Conference Outcome Document at the United Nations Department of Public Information’s NGO Conference in August of 2014. The conference, which was held at the UN headquarters in New York...
Jan 18, 2014 | News
IfE is developing a stand-alone goal and targets on equality for the new Sustainable Development Goals, at the request of the UN’s Open Working Group. Your input is solicited. (1) Click here to see the proposed goal and suggested targets: CONSULTATION CLOSED (2) Go to...
Dec 7, 2013 | News
Citing the demands of poor, socially excluded and marginalized communities expressed during Field Hearings around the world, IfE President Deborah S. Rogers has called for a stand-alone goal on reducing inequalities, to be included in the new Sustainable Development...
Sep 25, 2013 | News
The Equity & Sustainability Field Hearings Project now has over 250 partners in 67 countries, ready to bring the voices of more than 500 economically insecure, socially excluded, or marginalized communities into the current sustainable development discussions....