Donate Now


IfE is an independent, non-profit organization that fights for social, economic and political equality around the world. We rely on your donations to make our work possible. Our high level of participation across our network ensures that your donation, no matter what size, will have a large impact on real-world events.


There are five ways to donate:


  1. Click to make a one-time donation using a card, Google Pay or Apple Pay (you set the amount)




  1. Click to select a monthly donation level, using a card, Google Pay or Apple Pay (this amount will be automatically deducted each month; you can cancel the deductions at any time):   





  1. Make a donation using PayPal:    Coming soon



  1. Send a paper check (in the United States only):

Make check out to “Initiative for Equality”
Send to Initiative for Equality, PO Box 1144, Rapid City, SD 57709


  1. Make a wire transfer (domestic or international): 

Please contact the IfE Secretariat at so that we can give you the current transmittal instructions


Thank you so much for your support!