IfE’s Deborah Rogers served as the focal point on inequalities for the Conference Outcome Document at the United Nations Department of Public Information’s NGO Conference in August of 2014. The conference, which was held at the UN headquarters in New York City, was attended by representatives of NGOs from around the world.
In addition to taking input on concerns about how the issue of inequalities wold be handled in the Sustainable Development Goals, currently being drafted by the UN’s Open Working Group, Rogers contributed to writing of the final Outcome Document, which can be seen here: http://outreach.un.org/ngorelations/files/2014/09/Conference-Outcome-Document_opt.pdf
IfE also presented a workshop on the global Field Hearings. Anibal Vivaceta de la Fuente, Regional Coordinator for Latin America (Valparaiso, Chile), Cheri Honkala, Field Hearings partner (Philadelphia, US), and Rogers, Global Coordinator for the Field Hearings, led a discussion on taking input from community members in poor, socially excluded or marginalized communities. See the press release here: (press-release-ngo-conference-25-aug-2014). In a wonderful surprise, another IfE Field Hearings partner – Odukoya Olugbenga of Nigeria – was unexpectedly present in the workshop!